Classless Society

Classless society is an ideal dream for everybody. Lot of Philosophical debates have been made on this subject. But if everybody wants it sincerely then why doesn't it happen ? The Philosophers like Karl Marks came up with idea that reason behind most of the problems in society are inequality and  it resulted in movements like Communism whose main goal is to remove these inequalities.

Human life is bound by fulfillment of basic needs, desires and instincts. If everybody was satisfied by fulfilling just basic needs alone, then probably there could have been an ideal society where everyone was almost equal. In fact, if we see animals, their societies are more classless than any Human society. They do not have tendency to accumulate and over exploit any resources. This does not mean that they do not have desires, but because of their limited thinking power they can not think to accumulate the things like food. Animal actions are determined by their immediate desires and not by intelligent planning. Humans are powered with extra intelligence, but still not blessed with powers to control / regulate their desires. One can easily see that even highest intellectual and moral people in society yearn for higher social status, unique identity in society and not less than a certain amount of prosperity. And nobody is ready to compromise with these things. For example, today in India at one end  of spectrum people are earning more than 50K per month which is much more than enough for living. On other hand farmers are dying. But hardly anybody is ready to donate a part of their salary for poor farmer's family. And quite ironically everybody feels that this is wrong happening to farmers !

The basic point is, how adorable human might be about his intellectual, moral or ethical capabilities but still he is enslaved by desires and instincts at its root. It is unbelievable at surface level but it is the reality. That's why we tend to ignore sufferings of people beyond certain limit, no matter how sever they be, and stick to achievement of our own goals and prosperity. Now this basic characteristic of human mind dictates the nature and structure of our society. So the very concept of class based society is truly emerged from the mother nature itself. It is something innate in nature.... from very beginning.... and it will remain forever. If we look into history also, we do not find even a single instance where classless society had existed.

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