Programmed Capitalism : A Possible Threat ?

Imagine what could be possibly the first robotic invasion over humans ? You might think of humanoid robots which might become part of our daily life or you may think of robots used by armies all over the world which are becoming independent day by day and can take over humans on some day ! Well, these possibilities are still a fiction.

What can be seen as a greater immediate threat to us is Programmed Capitalism.... Robots taking over our stock markets and controlling whole of our economy in turn. These robots are software programs which are becoming more and more intelligent because of newer machine learning algorithms, and more and more popular because one can make money from them. With the advent of electronics and computers, people can trade the stocks sitting at home. Electronic trading started in India around 1995. After that stock market saw many changes. The primary software program used to trade the stocks provides the facilities to watch the current prices, place an order and sell the shares automatically if the prices starts falling below certain levels. On top of this some software vendors are providing programs which analyze the stock market patterns and advise you to purchase or sell particular stocks. How do these programs work ? Computers programs are becoming amazingly good in field of statistics and probability. They can learn temporal patterns. 'Hidden Markov Models' and Conditional Random fields' are to some of the popular techniques used to model time series. These programs even exceed human capabilities in predicting certain things !

However, currently these softwares are limited to advising humans to take certain actions. But, it is possible to create such software which will trade your shares automatically for you. That means, I just start that program, it will do everything for me.... Analyzing the stocks, keeping track of news, and even buying and selling the shares etc. It can save lot of time for humans and may earn handsome amounts. If these softwares get legalized and people start using them, then thousands or crores of such stock trading robots will participate in stock market along with normal human beings. And it is possible that there may not be any space left for human being to trade stocks, because computers can analyzes thousands of stocks withing a fraction of second, and for humans it takes 2-5 minutes for a single stock alone. The market will also become highly unpredictable for humans. So everybody will be forced to use his own intelligent software to trade their stocks. And the entire dynamics of stock market and in turn our economy, will be governed by these robots and their independent decisions !

What can happen if this becomes a reality ? The stock prizes, commodity prizes, oil prizes and currency exchange rates will be entirely controlled by robots. We will have to face very unpredictable periods of recessions, high or low inflation rates beyond our imagination. Companies or banks or even a whole country may bankrupt within hours ! humans will literally become slaves of this Programmed Capitalism which is artificially created. Although this is not the fact right now, it is not the fiction as well... it could become a reality very soon on our own decisions, because it is technically very much possible.

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