Women Liberty - What Is The Truth ?

A new milestone is set in Indian democracy with women reservation bill passed successfully. It is certainly a big positive change which all of us welcomed. Since last few decades, Indian society has seen many changes in its root culture to liberate women from cultural discrimination and social barriers. Although not everywhere, but at least in most of the urban areas we see women and girls are getting all liberties today. They can stand at par with men in every field of life. They are getting all facilities that they were denied till few decades back... Economical freedom, verbal freedom, behavioral freedom etc.

However, very unfortunately this liberty has come with same failure with which democracy came to India. Today, majority of young girls / women have interpreted this liberty in their own way as -"right to do anything and everything". They have forgotten that freedom comes with some responsibilities ! They have totally forgotten social and cultural responsibilities.

What can be seen as a big picture of 'woman liberty' in society today ?  Dresses are shortening limitlessly... Today's girls like to ware shorts and tight T-shirts and go around anywhere.... Many young girls roam along with boys till late night !  I remember, few years back in a discussion, I told few girls about how it is unsafe and inappropriate to go out at night and their reaction was - thousands of girls today go out at night with boys and so what is wrong if we also do the same ? Thus, many girls are applying any ad-hoc logic to interpret freedom in a suitable way they want. If morality was based on mere majority, then everything in this world would be considered moral !  Many cunning people use these girls because they are easily accessible. Their parents are completely unaware about what their daughters are doing outside. On the other hand these girls also tend to disrespect good and honest people around them. Majority of girls like all the things which were supposed to be culturally extremely bad in previous generation.  They underestimate Indian culture and good values in it. This picture can be seen everywhere today in more or lesser intensity... Right from villages to metropolitan cities. Selling all our values and enjoying life is the meaning of liberty ? Not respecting our own parents, cheating them is the meaning of liberty ? And More serious issue is what values are today's girls and young women passing to their youngsters, their new generation ?

Woman is at the root of Indian social structure. And she has to play a major role in it. She has more responsibilities. And this realization will bring lot of dignity and charm to her freedom.

1 comment:

  1. Great thought Mr Sachin. Fully agree with you. Behavior and conduct of these free thinking and modern girls would be detrimental to the society and cause it to collapse. Immoral and undisciplined society has to ultimately surrender to some devil forces.

    I feel that regardless of education level, most ladies can't distinguish between good or bad and very much gullible to bad things. If ladies become polluted and corrupt, then society gets destroyed --this has been told by Indian sagas long back during the period of Mahabharat.

    Unfortunately, people like you, me and Pramod Muthalik of Sri ram Sena who oppose the immoral and undisciplined behavior of westernized girls, are labeled as fundamentalists, talibani, undeveloped, narrow-minded, etc. I don't support beating of drunken girls by Sri Ram Sena activists, their way of protest was not right, but their protest against nudity, pub-and-wine culture, valentine day, etc was right. We must do campaign against all these nonsense in the name of modernness and freedom.

    Parents of most of these girls also feel proud and happily allow them for dating, valentine day, boy-friend, sex-before-marriage, pub-visit-&-dance, etc considering themselves as broadminded and modern. The result will be devastating if these nonsense and immoral life style is not stopped right now.

    Americans and western country people are on the way to convert to islam (an extremely wrong step) due to their over modern and immoral culture of nudity, open-sex, blue-films, porn industries, brothels, wife swapping, homosexuality,live-in-relationship, multiple sex-partners right from the age of 12, etc. Due to this immoral behavior, they have lost confidence in themselves and feel that islam can give them peace which is nothing but a stupid thinking. They are moving from one extreme of totally undisciplined sexual life style to another extreme of islam that dictates top-to-toe covering of body under burqa and death penalty by sharia law for adultery and body-exposure.

    Moderate Indian culture of disciplined, moral, civilized and courteous sexual as well as social behavior are the best culture. Unfortunately, we Indian Hindus/Sikhs are on the way to loose all of our ancient values and culture that will ruin our society as well as our sanatan dharm (Hinduism). We again would become slave to some evil forces.
