Detachment is Meta-detachment

Spirituality teaches us about detachments. What exactly is detachment ? Initially I thought that it is keeping away from all the attractions and repulsions, giving away all the desires, giving up all happiness, all sorrows. But is it really possible to achieve such a state ? No, the worldly attachments, emotions, feelings are part and parcel of Human mind. We really can not get detached from them. Happiness, sorrows... depressions and excitements will keep on coming even if one tries to avoid them. The attraction and repulsion about things around us is also something which can never be avoided. I realized that it is part and parcel of life. Life has no meaning without these things and in fact life can no go ahead without any attachments. For example, just to be a part of society, one needs to be in constant interactions with people around us. And interaction will never happen if one does not get desire (feeling) to talk to people around us. So desires are absolutely necessary for continuation of life.
Then what is detachment exactly ? What I understand is, it is actually "meta-detachment". It is one step higher. It is actually awareness about our own mind and dynamics of our feelings. The awareness that happiness, sorrows will keep on coming and going.... The awareness that worldly attractions and repulsions are part and parcel of our mind.... The  awareness that world is as it is... I can not change it and nobody else can change it.  And this awareness results into natural acceptance of things around us and more importantly natural acceptance of our own mind.. our own personality. Everybody has this awareness but it is instantaneous. We think about it and next moment we forget about it. When it becomes persistent for every second of our life then it can be called detachment. This meta-detachment brings a kind of soothing meta-feeling. This soothing persistent comfort is also one step higher than normal feelings. It can not be compared with our normal day to day feelings.  And I think that it is what  "Anand" described in phrase "sat-chit-anand" is. We should not mis translate it as "happiness" in Engllish.

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