Spirituality and Science - PART 5

Till now we saw, how the external world we perceive through our senses is illusory. This fact is exactly reflected in many of the verses in spiritual scriptures. For example, in Tulsi Ramayan Lord Shiva says to Parvati -
"उमा कहु मै अनुभव अपना,
सत्य हरी भजन जगत सबा सपना"
O Uma, let me tell you my experience. Contemplation of God (pure consciousness) alone is the truth and the world is a dream

In Bhagvat Puran Lord Krishna says to Uddhava -
"यथा मनोरथधियः विषयानुभवः मृषा।
स्वप्नदृष्टाः च दाशार्ह तथा संसारः आत्मनः॥"
As imaginations and dream perceptions are unreal, so also, O Uddhava, is the relative existence of sense-experience of the self is unreal.
In Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Rishi Yagnyavalkya tells -
"न तत्र रथा न रथयोगा न पन्थानो भवन्त्यथ रथान्रथयोगान्पथ: सृजते,
न तत्रानन्दा मुद: प्रमुदो भवन्त्यथानन्दान्मुद: प्रमुद: सृजते,
न तत्र वेशान्ता: पुष्करिण्य:स्त्रवंत्यो भवन्त्यथ वेशान्तानपुष्करिणी: स्त्रवंती सृजते सा ही कर्ता"

There are no real chariots in that state, nor animals to be yoked  to them, nor roads there, but he creates the chariots, animals  and roads. There are no pleasures in that state, no joys, no  rejoicings, but he creates the pleasures, joys and rejoicings.  There are no pools in that state, no reservoirs, no rivers, but he  creates the pools, reservoirs and rivers. He indeed is the agent.

Now, upon understanding fallacy in external things, lets look inside us. The most fundamental thing in our life is our own identity... the perception of our own existence, which is known as 'self consciousness'. Every other perception is built upon this primary perception. This pervasive feeling of 'self' is known as 'अहंकार' or ego. The term ego here does not refer to 'self pride' or arrogance. It simply stands for perception of an inherent agent 'I' in every act and experience of our life. For example, when we lift a glass with our hand, we say that "I lifted this glass", we do not say that "hand lifted this glass". This very feeling of being doer of all actions and being separate from rest of the world is 'अहंकार' (अहम् = I + कार = doer,अहंकार = I am doer)  or ego. Now, where from this ego arises ? To find this, let's ask ourself a simple question - 'where am I located currently ?' Can we point out a single place in our body where this 'I' can be located ? We can not. But we perceive our whole body and our mental state as 'I'. So, ego is an integral sum of perception of all our body parts plus our mental state (emotions, instincts).

Neuroscience gives detailed explanation for this. In our body, there are nerves running from all parts of body towards brain as shown in adjacent figure (Courtesy: http://neuropathydoctor.com/tell-me-more-about-neuropathy). These nerves bring information about status of all parts simultaneously. Brain integrates this information and builds a relative map of body parts. And thus we perceive where our different body parts like hands, feet are located in space.
This three dimensional spatial map build by brain is called as 'body map'. And the process of building this map from nervous stimuli is known as proprioception. It happens in right parietal lobe of our brain. Proprioception not only tells us positional information, but also leads to construction of feeling of self consciousness. Construction of this ego happens by integrating body map with emotional states and states of some parts of brain itself. Thus ego is a collective representation of physical + emotional + physiological status of our whole system.

There are some diseases which provided scientist a window into mystery of perception of 'self'. A neurological problem known as body integrity identity disorder (BIID), is a condition in which brain fails to build a complete body map. This results in distorted body image. And patient feels mismatch between perceived body schema and actual body seen through eyes. Most of the times BIID is about one of the legs. Such patient feels that one of his leg is superfluous and experience anxiety because of that. This also creates strong obsession to ampute that limb! Another disorder known alien hand syndrome results in patients one of hands behaving involuntarily. These patients experience that some other agency has taken control of their hand. They totally loose volitional control over it and feel that the hand is not part of their 'self' anymore, instead it is a separate living entity attached to their body ! This disorder is prominent in patients whose corpus callosom (a part joining two hemispheres of brain) is injured. Yet another very common phenomenon in neurology is phantom limbs. It's observed in patients who undergo amputation of their limb (leg or hand or even other organs). These patients experience that the amputated limb is still attached to body and even moving according to their volition. They can feel sensations like warmth, cold, itching and even touch in their limb. But they also perceive some distortions in their limb, like the limb is shorted or has change in its shape. Phantom limbs can exist for long time, like many years after amputation. The reason behind phantom limbs is, body map which had existed in brain for long time does not get suddenly erased. Scientist are able to identify areas in brain which are responsible for generating body maps and impart sense of agency. Researcher like Olaf Blanke, Michael Persinger have discovered that when hey stimulate certain part of temporal lobe with electric signals or trans-cranial magnets, subjects feel alteration in their body map, or even out of body experiences. It is found that out of body experience can also be induced by drugs which affect brain areas.

All these disorders and experiments show us that, perception of our self image - the 'ego' is manipulable. So ego is not a hard bounded thing. It is in fact a perceptual construct created by our cognition... It is merely an illusory experience, just like the outer world is experienced! Experiments have shown that certain other mammals - chimpanzees, gorillas, bottle-nosed dolphins, and elephants - also have this capacity for self-awareness. Then question arises, why does brain needs to create this illusory 'self' ? Well, we know that our body is developed through process of evolution. Similarly our senses, our cognition also goes through this evolutionary up-gradation. Higher and higher levels of perceptions are built in more and more developed species. Ego is a very high level perception developed in us through progressive evolution of our cognition. Ego has survival significance. According to some theories, it plays important role in construction of certain other emotions like empathy, which add to survival values of a specie.

Till now we saw how 'bodily I-ness'(अहम्) part of अहंकार is constructed in our mind by process of proprioception. In next post, we will analyze more on doer (कार) part of अहंकार. The 'कार' part is known as 'free will' in scientific domain. Free will is a very important topic discussed by western philosophy for long time. And there has been some scientific research which has improved understanding of free will.

Spirituality and Science - PART 4

Till now, we saw a few illusions. But how many are actually there ? There are hundreds of such illusions found till now, and sill new ones are invented every year. So from this, one can easily conclude that what we see is all construction of our brain. Shapes of objects, their sizes, colors, contrast, motion everything is merely a kind of representation of information coming from outside... the information that enables us to deal with our surrounding, our environment. So, what we see is actually not the reality. Lets understand this. When we say that 'I see a red object', do you think that there is something red existing there in reality ? No. Actually, when we see that object, waves of particular frequency (430-480 THz for red color) hit our retina. The energy level of these waves get registered at retinal cells. Then retinal cells pass some electric impulses towards brain. Brain processes these impulses and constructs a unique representation of that information in mind. This representation is what we perceive as 'red color' in our mind. There is nothing called 'red' out there ! Similarly, when we see parallel lines or a spherical ball, there is no shape like 'parallel' or 'sphere' out there. These shapes are representations generated from the incoming sensory information, by applying certain rules according to brain's convenience.

          Like vision, scientists have studied other sensory modalities also. And many illusions have been found to be existing in all modalities. For example, you can find many auditory illusions on this page - http://www.design.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~ynhome/ENG/Demo/illusions.html Similarly, illusions also exist for smell, touch and taste. And it has been found that all our perceptions, may they be of type vision, audio, taste, touch or smell, all of them are outcomes of processing of incoming information by our brain. They all are constructions. So, important point to understand is, the actual world out there is attribute-less. It's only our cognition which imparts certain attributes (like color, sound, shape, taste etc) to it. And this is the central teaching of spirituality. Spirituality tells us that actual reality is निर्गुण (free from any attributes), निराकार (without any shape), अनादी अनंत (without concept of time). Then, how the world we experience comes into existence ? Shankaracharya has told that the world is created by process of अध्यास (superimposition). This process consists of two subprocesses - आवरण शक्ति (filtering or veiling) and विक्षेप शक्ति (distortion or projection).  And surprisingly, the process of constructing our perceptions also happens in same two steps. First external senses like nose, ear, eyes detect particular information and they filter out most of the unwanted information. For example eyes detect light in particular frequency range only, ears listen sounds in limited frequency range only etc. After this, the filtered information is processed (distorted) by internal cognitive organs (like primary and secondary visual cortex, auditory cortex), and finally projected as our perceptions. So, it is the same process which Shankaracharya referred to, centuries ago as आवरण and विक्षेप ! And science has reinvented the wheel. We know that our brain is behind this all creation. However, we can see, our brain ,touch it, smell it like any other object. It has a shape, a color. Thus all our sensory organs and our brain is actually a constructed representation of आवरण शक्ति and विक्षेप शक्ति. It is very restricted representation because it comes through process of filtering. And hence we can not perceive whole of it. So, the words 'आवरण शक्ति' and 'विक्षेप शक्ति' only represent the causal principle behind our perceptions, better than words like eyes, ear and brain.

          Shankaracharya refers to this world as माया, because it is an illusion constructed by आवरण and विक्षेप शक्ति. However this world is 'मायावी' in other sense also. It is full of several irrational things, but we still accept them. For example, all things in life are changing and uncertain, except, death is the only certainty in life. But still we live every second of life as if we will never die!.... We never know what will we do or what will we think at the next moment in time. But, we believe that it's us who decide that!.... When we go out for shopping, we never know in which shop will we end up in. But we always undoubtedly believe that we have a free will!.... When someone falls down by slipping his leg, it hurts him, but it makes a humorous situation for us and we laugh instead of feeling bad about it!.... It's well known that tobacco causes cancer and alcohol causes liver damage. But still people go on smoking and drinking continuously!.... The emotions like love,certain fears,jealousy are also irrational. But we do accept them as reality and go ahead..... We believe that what is perceived as a shared experience of many people is truth. For example if I see a red ball and others also see that red ball then we accept it as reality. But there are many contradicting things to this rule. Rising and setting of sun, flatness of earth are some of the things which are shared experiences, but today we know that they are not realities. So just many people witnessing same thing is not test for reality. But despite of this we still continue to accept it as a 'test for reality'!  Thus,there are so many crazy things in this world which are beyond rationality and our understanding. That's why I call this world 'मायावी'.

          So, if we think deep enough, it reveals us that the world is really not how we perceive it as. And we can not depend on our senses, our cognition and our intelligence for studying the ultimate reality. Because our senses do not tell us information, in fact they hide the information. And that's why spiritual practices are always focused on stoicism (वैराग्य). Spirituality teaches to become indifferent to information coming from our senses and their effects, because it is useless. Once one learns that trick, then only he can perceive absolute, attribute-less, infinite truth - ब्रह्म. And the learning process is known as 'साधना'.

"ये त्व अक्षरम अनिर्देस्यम
अव्यक्तं पर्युपासते
सर्वत्र-गम असिन्त्यम का
कुता-स्थं अकालम ध्रुवं।

सर्वत्र समां-बुद्धयः
ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मम एव
सर्व-भूत-हिते रतः।"

Those who fully worship the unmanifested, that which lies beyond the perception of the senses, the all-pervading, inconceivable, unchanging, fixed and immovable—the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth — by controlling the various senses and being equally disposed to everyone, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all, at last achieve Me. -- भगवद  गीता-12.3-4

Spirituality and Science - PART 3

Recent Advances in Cognitive Science

In last few decades many secrets about human perceptions and cognition are unveiled. The scientific studies about human perceptions (senses like eyes, ears, touch etc) in neurobiological and neurocomputational point of view have shown, that perceiving is not a simple process as we think. It is a much complex process. It involves active construction. To understand this, let's take a few examples about our vision. Scientist have studied lot of phenomenons where our process of seeing creates some faulty perceptions. These phenomenons help us to understand, how visual perception happens, what process or rules it follows etc. These phenomenons are called visual illusions. Lets see few of them -

In adjacent figure, you can see that long oblique lines are not parallel. But if we measure using scale, then they are actually parallel to each other. The reason behind this unparalleled perception is, our brain attempts to interpret small cross lines in third dimension, to create perception of depth. And as a byproduct of that processing it creates this distortion.

 Now look at the left figure. Can you  see red oval spots in left part of figure and pink oval spots in right part ? Actually they are exactly same in color. But our brain interprets it in a different way because of different backgrounds. And our perceptions change.

So, by now you must have got an idea about what our sensory perceptions (experiences) are in reality. They are actually things constructed by our brain ! Let's see few more...

In this adjacent figure you can see two images. The balls in lower image are lifted above ground, while in upper image they are touching the ground. However we can also clearly see that in both images the position of the balls is exactly same, except position of shadows' is changed. Thus our brain manipulates information available in two dimensions and interprets it in such a way that we get perception of third dimension also ! The 3D perception is well studied. Our brain is very efficient in constructing 3rd dimension from 2D. That's why we can see depth and height in still pictures, or movies. 
Not only shapes, color and dimensions, but perception of motion, speed also are constructed experiences of our mind. For example, the figures on left side show two kinds of motions. One is radial and another is rightward motion. In both images the strips are moving with equal physical speed.
However, most of the observers feel that radial motion is faster. 
We know about colorblindness, but there is similar disorder called motion blindness, in which subject can not perceive moving objects. They see the world as set of still images.  Thus, from these examples we know that motion and its speed  are   constructed feelings by our brain by fusing different images.

As the perception of motion, so is of time. It is also well studied using some interesting experiments. Its is a common experience in our lives that, waiting for something desperately just for 10 minutes seems to be much longer than enjoying 1 hour of party with friends. Time is also found to be a construct of our brain !

Continued in next blog....

Spirituality And Science - Part 2

Most of us know what science teaches us. But to understand relation between Spirituality and Science, first we need to understand what does spirituality teach us.
What does spirituality teach us ?

Vedas and Upanishadas contain many things like rituals, stories, philosophical stuff etc. But the essence of their contents is very short. For our understanding we will stick to something known as 'Advaitik' interpretation of Vedas. 'Advait' means 'non-dualism'. The essence of Advait philosophy is stated in two lines-
"ब्रह्म सत्यं जगन्मिथ्या,
जीवो ब्रह्मैव नापरः |"
Let's understand in detail...

Spirituality tells us that the answers for ultimate truth are not outside. They are  hidden inside us. If we start peeping inside, then we will find that at the very base of our existence, there is something which can not be described in words. That thing is 'pure consciousness' which is referred as 'ब्रह्म' in vedas. The 'pure consciousness' is attribute-less. Means, it has no physical structure, no color, no voice... not only that, but it has no time also. It is free from any emotions and desires. It is a state of mere existence. It is just a state of 'being'. This is the the first part.

Now, when someone realizes 'ब्रह्म', at the same instance, he also realizes that the world is merely an apparent modification of 'ब्रह्म' - an illusion ! And I was mistaking this 'pure consciousness' for this physical world ! So, it is said that, in relation to 'pure consciousness', the physical world is 'मिथ्या' or 'unreal' - "ब्रह्म सत्यं जगन्मिथ्या". What is ultimately real is only 'pure consciousness'.

Now, since the world is an apparent modification of 'ब्रह्म', we, our bodies, our thoughts and our minds, all is unreal. What we are in reality, is only 'pure consciousness'. And so we all are 'one'. We are not different. The perception of subject object dichotomy (perception that 'I' and rest of the world are different) is only an illusion. In fact, both subject and object are illusions. There is no subject and no object at all. What is there is only pure consciousness - 'ब्रह्म'. That's why it is said that जीव (all living beings) and ब्रह्म are not different - 'जीवो ब्रह्मैव नापरः'.

The teachings of Advait are incredible. It's hard to believe them in first place. But let us study.. how modern science is linked to these concepts and how these teachings makes sense through the process of modern science itself...

Spirituality And Science - PART 1

India is a country of great spiritual culture. India is known for esoteric knowledge acquired by great rishis. Vedas, Puranas and various commentaries on them were written to distribute this knowledge to common people. Today, because of influence of modern science in our education system, many people tend to think that Vedas are superstitions. Those who do not treat it as superstition, feel that at least they are not relevant in today's world. So, spirituality is getting ignored and neglected by coming generations. This transition has taken place primarily because of two reasons. Firstly, influence of modern science (which focuses mainly on outer world) in current education system is so high, that students tend to believe that modern science explains every thing in this universe, and rest of the philosophies are waste. Secondly, influence of western culture, and lifestyle focused towards fulfilling worldly pleasures is so high, that simplicity in our culture is underestimated. It has lead us to loose faith in our rich spiritual heritage. We are simply unable reach to depths to understand our culture and spiritual philosophy.

In following few blogs we will see, how spirituality is no different than science. How the primary goal and methodology of both are same. We will also see what are the latest findings of modern science and how strikingly they coincide with what spirituality teaches us.


Spirituality has exactly the same goal which modern science has. That is, to know the ultimate truth... the questions like 'who created this world?', 'what are laws governing this world?', 'what was the purpose behind creating this world?', 'what is the meaning of our life?', 'why is there pain and pleasure in this world?' etc.. Both science and spirituality try to find answers to these wonderful questions in their own ways. Science starts from understanding the external objective world first. It understands its rules, mechanisms. Then it goes in more details like what the external objects are made up of ? molecules, atoms, subatomic particles etc. It tries to study their behavior, rules they follow. Then science tries to link these things to human body, mind. It studies how our own senses work, and why they work like that. It tries to understand, if there are any rules governing our senses ? does our mind follow any patterns ? It tries to link the external world with mechanics of our senses and mind. Thus, science follows the path from outside to inside. In its main methodology, it tries to explain internal things taking outer things as basic building blocks.

Spirituality takes exactly opposite way. It tries to explain external objective world by studying internal things first. By applying various techniques like 'Bhakti', 'Meditation', 'Samadhi' it tries to understand what is their inside us. What is the most primary building block of our mind ? What is the nature of consciousness that we have ? What are the different things that our mind and our senses are made up of and how they work in coordination with each other ? And then it tries to pursue how external world comes into existence ? It also studies, in what sense the external and internal are different from each other, or both are same ?

However, despite of this difference, the systematic and stepwise methodology adopted by science and spirituality are exactly same. Spirituality is also purely based on logical and rational inquiry. Many people disagree with this fact. Spiritual practices have as robust and systematic way of study that science has. Unfortunately, in today's world it is rare to find ideal spiritual teachers who can perfectly teach this methodology. And thats why common perception about spirituality has changed.

Concluding shortly, science and spirituality are nothing but honest inquiry into fundamental questions by human curiosity. They are merely different ways of how this inquiry done. One stars from outside while other starts from inside. So spirituality and science are two sides of same coin.... In next blogs, we will understand how science implies towards the same things that ages old spirituality has taught us. How both of them reach to some common conclusions.

First Hindi Poem

An interesting philosophical discussion with one of the scholars, on 'how traditions and dogmas hinder progress of serious seeker of truth', lead me to write this poem. Since the discussion happened in Hindi I wrote it in Hindi and it's my first Hindi Poem.

मन रे मन रे, कैसा है तू अजीबोगरीब,
न जानेहि मान्यता को कर लेता है तू करीब !

क्या है सच या क्या झूठ है, सब तो है तेरे सामने,
बन्धनों से दूर हो तू, परमसत्य को जानने   |

बनाया गया तुझीको परम-जटिल इतना भी क्यों ?

तकी करे संपूर्ण बलसे 'मायाजाल' का सामना तू !

जाग जा तू अब जाग जा, 'स्व-रूप' को तू पहेचान ले,
सर्वनाश से पहले तू मानव को इस उद्धार दे... मानवको इस उद्धार दे |